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28-Сентября-2024 19:57 *
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Автор Тема: Возвращение «Притворщика»: информация от создателей  (Прочитано 91940 раз)
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Catherine U
Hero Member
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Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #30 : 11-Сентября-2013 22:09 »

We've been told by the PTB's that there was some confusion about last week's message regarding the exact date for the big announcement(s). 
Our bad.
So to clarify, the '9' does mean September and the '13' does mean 2013.   
Now that that is clear please mark your calendars for the big announcement(s).  
What?  What do you mean?  That's not clear either?
Ok sorry.
Then let's try this...
Dr. Raines says we can safely announce the delivery date for Rebirth on that exact day next week.  So mark your calendars! 
That better?
Люди наверху сказали нам, что не все поняли сообщение, которое мы вам послали на прошлой неделе, в нем мы писали о точной дате объявления/объявлений.
Мы виноваты.
Чтобы всем было ясно: 9 обозначает сентябрь, 13 обозначает 2013.
Теперь, когда все ясно, отметьте дату объявления/объявлений в своих календарях.
Что? Что мы имеем в виду? Все еще не ясно?
Ладно, простите... Давайте-ка попробуем вот это.
Доктор Рейнс говорит, что мы можем с уверенностью сказать, что дата рождения "Новой жизни" будет объявлена именно в этот день на следующей неделе. Так что отмечайте в календарях.
Так лучше?

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
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Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #31 : 13-Сентября-2013 20:53 »

FROM: The PretenderDaughter
Hey everyone!
Don't tell my dad or Uncle C I sent this out, okay?  But lets face it, there’s been tons of confusion about their “big announcement” that NEEDS to be clarified. 
While their ‘hour glasses’ and ‘prego jigsaw puzzles’ are... Cute(?) They are also confusing. But hey, the internet and social media can be very confusing at their old age.
So if I may be so bold as to rescue them from their early onsets of Alzheimer’s - here's the deal. 
The big announcement is actually 3 big announcements.
They  will take place next Thursday, September 19th. I'm not positive what time yet (cause God knows I can never get those two to make a decision) but when it comes down I promise that thru the CI newsletter, Facebook, twitter, all the global annexes, Twitter and Jenna Busch we get the EXACT word out to everybody so no one misses it. 
Keep an eye, ear, and (maybe some other tP related body part) out next Thursday.  I promise you will not be disappointed.
I’ll be in touch soon.
Don't tell the PTB’s I sent you this!
The PretenderDaughter

ОТ: Дочь-притворщик
Всем привет!
Не говорите моему папе или дядюшке К, что я послала вам это, ладно?  Но давайте признаем: было много недопонимания, связанного с их великим объявлением, и НАДО все прояснить. 
Конечно, их «песочные часы» и «пазлы» можно назвать… МИЛЫМИ? Но они только прибавляют неясности. Ну да ладно, соцсети нелегко освоить в их преклонном возрасте.
Так что позвольте мен спасти их от ранних проявлений Альцгеймера. Вот что я вам скажу.
Большое объявление на самом деле будет состоять из 3 объявлений.
Это произойдет в следующий четверг, 19 сентября. Я пока еще не знаю, в какое время (только Бог знает, что я не могу заставить этих двоих принять решение), но когда это случится, я вам обещаю, что никто не пропустит новости. В этом нам помогут рассылка для инсайдеров, Facebook, twitter, все отделения Центра и Jenna Busch.
Держите глаза, уши и другие, связанные с Притворщиком, части тела открытыми в следующий четверг.  Обещаю, что новости вас не разочаруют.
Скоро я с вами еще свяжусь.
Не говорите власть имущим, что я вам это передала!


Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #32 : 16-Сентября-2013 10:04 »

Big announcement from PTB's imminent, stay tuned! 1pm PST 19th.

Большое объявление в час дня по Лос-Анджелесу 19 сентября.
В Москве будет 12 ночи, Гродно - 11 вечера. ЧЕТВЕРГ!!!
Для участия в сием действии надо проследовать на сайт Voice.Fan.TV - вроде бы это будет нечто вроде телетрансляции.
« Последнее редактирование: 16-Сентября-2013 10:24 от Catherine Galdina » Записан

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #33 : 17-Сентября-2013 13:45 »

Приглашение на мероприятие в четверг https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cjor9u342l84k4ama2ee9ln6rck.

Создатели НАСТОЯТЕЛЬНО просят зарегистрироваться на google.com, так как это дает возможность задать им вопросы в режиме реального времени - как в четверг, так и в следующие разы (которых они обещают много).

В четверг это будет телетрансляция в режиме реального времени. Ведет интервью Дженна Буш. Вроде бы, можно задавать вопросы (через аккаунт на google.com).

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #34 : 19-Сентября-2013 09:39 »

More Big News!
During and after tomorrow’s live announcement – which will be at -
https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cjor9u342l84k4ama2ee9ln6rck there will be a chat room set up so that anyone can ask us a question about what we are saying.
The chat room will be in SL-15.  
If you have forgotten how to descend to this special communications sub-level we will post directions of exactly how to get down there – we will email you directions 5 minutes before the 1PM announcement (PST).  
Don’t forget Mr. Parker’s rule – “what happens in SL-15, what’s said in SL-15, stays in SL-15!”  
See you there.
Steve and Craig

Еще большие новости!
Во время и после объявлений - которое будет проходить на https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cjor9u342l84k4ama2ee9ln6rck, у нас будет чат, чтобы все могли спросить нас о происходящем.
Чат будет происходить на подуровне 15.
Если вы забыли, как спускаться в коммуникационный подуровень, мы напишем указания за 5 минут до начала трансляции.
И не забывайте правило мистера Паркера - "Что произошло и было сказано на подуровне 15, остается на подуровне 15".
Встретимся там.
Стив и Крейг
« Последнее редактирование: 19-Сентября-2013 10:43 от Catherine Galdina » Записан

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #35 : 19-Сентября-2013 09:41 »

На сайте pretendercentre.com есть место для чата. В нем можно будет узнать все новости тем, у кого не получится быть на google+. Этот же чат (при желании) можно приделать на этом сайте - он один для всех отделений Центра. Ваня обещает, что для тех, кто появится в этом чате, может быть какой-то дополнительный подарочек.
КОД для чата:
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Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Jr. Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 94

Кто к нам с мечом придёт...

« Ответ #36 : 07-Октября-2013 20:14 »

Такс... Фанаты Притворщика. Все бегом на Амазон!!! Вышли обе версии - и в электронном виде (10 $) и в бумажном (15 $, правда, в мягкой обложке, но у западников она довольно прочная, не рассыпается с одного прочтения).
Если мы хотим ДОЖИТЬ до финала-развязки, то пожалуйста не выкладывайте книги в сеть. Авторам все-таки надо на что-то издавать продолжение. Тем более цены просто смешные!
Если возникнут проблемы с банковской картой, можно купить (или попросить друзей) подарочный сертификат Амазона.
« Последнее редактирование: 07-Октября-2013 20:16 от kvaker » Записан

"Полиция и палач должны выезжать как карета скорой помощи - только по вызову". Евгений Шварц
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #37 : 16-Октября-2013 00:26 »

Только для использования внутри Центра. Секретная информация.
О работниках. Для работников. Подготовлено самими работниками.

1.   Центр рад приветствовать нового шеф-повара кафетерия южного Отделения, знаменитого мастера  Филиппа Ван дер Мюссела. После интенсивного курса на фабрике   Guylian, Бельгия, прирожденный шеф Филипп оттачивал свое мастерство в лучших ресторанах своего родного города – Брюгге – Венеции севера. Он описывает свой кулинарный стиль так: «основан на классической фламандской кухне». Когда его спросили, стоит ли работникам Центра надеяться получить роскошные вафли и жирный картофель-фри, он презрительно усмехнулся, подскочил к нам и вручил нам меню с блюдами от шефа на следующую неделю. Никто из редакторов не слышал о его прекрасных блюдах, но Сидни попробовал их все и выдал два слова, которыми он описал то, что нас ожидает: «Очень вкусно!»
Для тех, волнуется из-за нового гастрономического направления –  Примечание: мы слышали ваши жалобы, и знаменитый персиковый пирог Кэтрин Паркер есть и будет в меню каждый день.

2.   Костюмированная вечеринка Центра.
Осталась только одна неделя для того, чтобы зарегистрироваться на костюмированный бал Центра.
Фото необходимо отправить до 25 октября, или вы не сможете претендовать на самый желанный титул – короля костюмированной вечеринки.
Фото победителей и первой тройки участников будут объявлены в следующих новостных рассылках.
Присылайте ваши фото на адрес centreinsider@thepretenderlives.com.
(Примечание: по приказу совета директоров в этом году категорически нельзя использовать резиновые шапочки и кислородные баллоны).
Также будьте осторожны с той едой, которую в своем офисе раздает мистер Лайл, особенно с той, которую едят руками. Мы все знаем, что в прошлом году случилось с Марсией из бухгалтерии.

3.   Самый разыскиваемый непрошенный гость в Центре.
Вы не встречали этого кота?
Недавний контакт подтверждает, что этот уличный кот, известный под милой кличкой Спайк, все еще гуляет по территории и коридорам Центра (а может быть даже и в самой вентиляции).
Пожалуйста, не позволяйте этому милому имени обмануть вас. Спайк – это дикий кот, он может быть опасен.
Если вы увидите это животное, не пытайтесь кормить или гладить его. Просто вызовите специальную службу охраны от вредителей по номеру 2111.
Как вы все знаете, у мистера Зейна аллергия на кошачью шерсть, а запах этого кота просто выводит его из себя.
Служба развлечений Центра предложила подарочный сертификат на $25 в KFC за информацию об этом паразите.
Помните, мы вместе боремся с этим зловредным животным.

4.   Новости из московского отделения Центра.
Не прошло и пяти недель после этого визита Джарода , как оперативники Центра Катерина и Кеша доложили о повторной встрече притворщика с Эдвардом Сноуденом. Встреча произошла на представлении «Лебединое озеро» в Большом театре – этот балет, судя по перехваченным электронным письмам, является любимой постановкой ЭС.
Аудиослжение было затруднено из-за музыки, особенно знаменитого лейтмотива, известного как «Лебедина песня» (или, как ее называет Эдди, «Песня лебедя») и электронного прибора, производящего помехи (спасибо Джароду). Поэтому наши техники не знают, что они обсуждали.
Но, возможно, это связано с тем, что недавно обнаружили ребята мистера Би – это Троянец, запрятанный в системе слежения Национального агентства безопасности PRISM, из-за которого ни одна система распознания лиц «не видит» Джарода. (Интересно, как он туда попал?)
Напоминаем работникам Центра по всему миру, что вам необходимо быть внимательными и искать Джарода.

5.   Любовь на подуровне
Наши поздравления Ване (главе воздушных сил Центра) и Педро (недавно повышенному личному чистильщику мисс Паркер – не плохо, не так ли :p?). Скоро у них состоится свадьба.
Пара встретилась несколько лет назад на ежегодном пикнике Триумвирата (том самом, посвященном Зулусам, на котором был случай с костром). Педро говорит, что увидел ее сквозь мерцающие языки пламени и понял, что это любовь с первого взгляда. Но Ваня потеряла в толчее свои очки, так что чувство не было взаимным, пока она не получила новые очки несколькими днями позже. Все остальное – обычная история любви работников Центра.
Свадьба состоится 19 октября в Лиссабоне.
Все обязательно отправьте электронное письмо мисс Паркер и поблагодарите ее за то, что она дала Педро ЦЕЛЫЙ ДЕНЬ на медовый месяц! Мы уверены, что они с пользой проведут это время!
(Мы не можем дождаться, когда вы нам дадите нового гениального ребенка. С Божьей помощью он пойдет в маму, мисс В!)

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #38 : 02-Ноября-2013 10:37 »

ИТАК, нам обещают до конца недели показать первых 10 страниц комикса и... интервью с одним из актеров!!!

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #39 : 16-Ноября-2013 21:02 »

 For Centre use only. Classified information.

Cosplay Contest Winners

This year’s Cosplay Contest was our best and closest yet!  But the judges, after three ballots, finally came up with winners in several categories.

The winner of the Mr. Lyle Really Likes That One Award goes to the lovely Celine from South Tower Accounting Services. Mr. Lyle picked this picture of Celine himself. And get this - when he took it from the pile and while smiling hungrily was heard to say, “Mmm-Mmm-Good.”

Watch your back, Celine – you may have a ravenous admirer!

The Mystery Cosplayer Award goes to Entry 2357 aka Eve G

Not even Miss Bougainvillea in Image Analysis and Decoding could detect who this entrant really was.   She said, “We have no definitive conclusion to whom the owner of this leg is – yet.” But she pointed out several clues that may lead to an answer.  “The style of the shoes cries 1960s.  The slight run in the stocking suggest a struggle. The mug, floor and type of corkscrew also are great leads to follow.”  
If you recognize this gam, please send his or her name to Miss Boug post haste.  

Why does he look so familiar

The Why Does He Look So Familiar Award this year goes to Matija, a freelance Cleaner reportedly working out of the Cologne Annex – but no one knows for sure.

Looking good Matija!  

That's Just Creepy Award
This year’s That’s Just Creepy Award goes to Emily and Miss Little Miss – who scared the hell out of everybody at the taco bar! You two are spooky!

Mr. Lyle Doesn't Know What It Is But Really Likes It Award
Miss Julie in Centre Creations won the Mr. Lyle Doesn’t Know What It Is But Really Likes It Award for creating herself as an enticing little puppet of death – or at least that’s what we thought she was. But when we asked her exactly who or what she was cosplaying, she just laughed and said something sexy in French that made Mr. Broots begin shaking in his cowboy boots. (He was dressed as Woody from Toy Story – again! He loves that Woody!)
Congrats Julie!

Mr. Raines' Damn Girl You Look Hot Award
Finally, the Mr. Raines’ Damn Girl, You Look Hot Award goes to Marilou Bertelli.
Be careful, Miss M – Mr. R (who was also dressed as Woody – LMAO!) loves him some hare, especially of the Jessica Rabbit kind.

Employee News

A few words from the new head of the HR office, Christina Watkins.
As you know, at the Centre our people are our most important resource. This month you may have noted a few new faces around the Sub Levels, and help is wanted to make them feel a part of the team. Please take a moment out of your day to welcome the newest members of our Centre family.
If you run into them at the gym, the gun range, any of the cafeterias or the Feng Shui theatre, please help them to adjust and feel included.
Make sure to show them the ropes around here (for the Cleaners and Sweepers, you can take that one literally).
The Centre chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Senior managers, one quick reminder for you: Last week you should have received an interoffice memo entitled "Fired vs. Terminated: How a quick proof read can prevent tragedy."
If you have not done so already, please read and email HR when finished. Feel free to include any questions you may have.
Finally, we would like to announce that the winner of this month's team trivia contest is the Aquarium Cleaners. They clearly know more than just wet works. Hope everyone has a fabulous month.
Until next time, CW-HR.

Centre Art Contest
The Centre is looking to brighten up the children’s wing-east (Daycare, Anomalies and Genius Project).
In order to impart inspiration to their childlike wonder, Mr. Parker is commissioning an art installment to fill the 9th wing on SL-6.
Since art is not exactly his thing, he has offered up no rules or perimeters, only that it should be "bright, cheery, and for God's sakes NO GIRAFFES." LOL!
Please submit any and all entries to Miss Kylie in Rorschach Analysis.
Congrats K, that Art Degree is finally good for something!

It's that time again
The Centre Holiday Cookie Bake-Off starts now.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your mixers.
Entries are now open for the 44th annual Centre Holiday Cookie Bake-Off.
Every year we get hundreds of entries and thousands of votes cast, so get your recipes in quickly. Post your recipe along with a short essay explaining why this cookie is your family's favorite, and a photo (if you have one). You, the readers of the Centre Employees Newsletter, will chose your favorites.
And then the top ten candidates will be baked by Dani D. the Executive Chef of North Tower and the PTB's will chose the winner at the annual 'Snowflakes over Blue Cove Holiday party.'
Entries must be submitted by Nov. 19 at midnight, and voting will close at midnight, Dec. 2.
Don't forget, Mr. Parker hates him some gingerbread!

Christmas Pageant
The semi-annual Christmas pageant is upon us, people!
There is a signup sheet in the SL-15 break room. (The one next to Miss Rym’s Bodily Fluids lab).
As happens every time during the joyous season, parts are going fast and people are getting crazy!
Be sure to sign up soon. That means you, Mr. CJ. You don't want to end up as the rear end of an ass again!

- See more at: http://www.thepretenderlives.com/CentreUniverse/EmployeesNewsletter/tabid/136/ID/26/November-2013-CENTRE-EMPLOYEE-NEWSLETTER.aspx#sthash.PqgfS1xh.dpuf
« Последнее редактирование: 16-Ноября-2013 21:15 от Catherine G » Записан

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #40 : 16-Ноября-2013 23:16 »

Только для работников Центра. Секретная информация.

Победители конкурса на лучший костюм

В этом году Конкурс на лучший костюм был самым зрелищным и поразил нас количеством претендентов! Но, после трех туров голосования, судьи наконец-то приняли решения и готовы назвать победителей в нескольких категориях.

победителем в номинации " Мистеру Лайлу очень понравилось" становится прелестная Селин из бухгалтерии Юного Крыла. Мистер Лайл сам выбрал эту фотографию. И знайте - когда он взял ее из стопки, он голодно улыбнулася и сказал "Ммм... Хорошо."
Будь осторожна, Селин - у тебя появился поклонник!

Награда в номинации "Самый таинственный костюм" достается №2357, также известной как Eve G.
Даже мисс Бугинвелия в отделе анализа изображений не смогла понять, кто прислал эту фотографию. Она сказал: "У нас нет точного ответа о владельце этой ноги - пока." Но она указала на некотрые подсказки, которые могут нам помочь. "Стиль явно говорит о 60-ых. Небольшая стрелка на чулках указывает на борьбу. Кружка, пол и тип штопора тоже являются ключами к разгадке.
Если вы узнали эту ногу, пожалуйста, срочно сообщите его иди ее имя Мисс Буг. 
If you recognize this gam, please send his or her name to Miss Boug post haste.  

Награда в номинации "Почему это так знакомо?" достается Матье, чистильщику на вольных хлебах, который, говорят, работает недалеко от отделения в Колони - но никто точно не знает.
Хорошо получилась, Матья!

Награду в номинации "Это просто жуть!" получают Эмили и мисс Маленькая Мисс - они напугали всех в тако баре! Вы обе выглядите просто ужасно!

Мисс Джули в отделе моды выиграла в номинации "Мистер Лайл не знает, что это, но ему очень нравится" за то, что преобразила себя в маленькую куколку смерти - ну, по крайней мере, мы это так называем. Но когда мы спросили ее, что это было, она лишь рассмеялась и сказали что-то сексуальное по-французски. Мистер Брутс в своих ковбойских сапогах даже задрожал. (Он был в костюме Вуди из "Истории игрушек" - опять! Он просто обожает Вуди!)
Поздравляем, Джули!

Номинация "Черт, ты классно выглядишь, детка" от мистера Рейнса достается Мэрилу Бертелли.
Осторожно, мисс М - мистер Р (который  тоже был в костюме Вуди - LMAO!) любит кроликов, особенно в исполнении Джессики Рэббит.

Новости для сотрудников.

Пару слов от главы отдела кадров, Кристины Уоткинс. Как вы знаете, в Центре сотрудники - это самый важный ресурс. В этом месяце вы могли заметить новые лица на подуровнях, и мы просим вашей помощи. Пожалуйста, уделите им минутку внимания и поприветствуйте их. Если вы встретите их в спортзале, на подуровне 5, в кафетериях или в театре фэн шуй, пожалуйста, помогите им освоиться и чувствовать себя как дома.
Введите их в курс дела (а чистильщикам покажите, как делать ЭТО дело).
Центр силен настолько, насколько сильно его самое слабое звено.
Старшие менеджеры, небольшое напоминание. На прошлой неделе вы должны были получить внутренний документ "Уволенные и прекратившие работу: почему жизненно необходимо перепроверять документы".
Если вы еще этого не сделали, прочитайте и отправьте ответ в отдел кадров. Можете задавать любые вопросы.
Наконец, мы хотим объявить победителей в номинации "Командные ответы на вопросы" - это чистильщики аквариумов. Она определенно знают не только мокрое дело. Желаю всем удачного месяца. До встречи, КУ - ОК.

Конкурс рисунков Центра
Центр хочет украсить детское крыло центра (Ясли, аномалии и Проект Гений).
Чтобы придать этим гениальным детям вдохновение, мистер Паркер решил устроить выставку и заполнить работами девятое крыло подуровня 6.
Так как он не очень-то любит традиционные формы искусства, то она ни в чем не ограничивает художников. Единственное требование - работы должны быть яркие, веселые и НИКАКИХ ЖИРАФОВ!
Предоставляйте работы мисс Кайли в отделе анализа Роршаха.
Поздравляем, Кайли, степень бакалавра искусств наконец-то пригодилась!

Опять пришла веселая пора!
Объявляем начала 44-го конкурса на лучшее печенье.
Леди и джентельмены,включайте миксеры!
Каждый год мы получаем сотни заявок. Сотни людей отдают свои голоса. Поэтому быстрее давайте сюда ваши рецепты. Присылайте свои рецепты, небольшой рассказ о том, почему это ваш любимый семейный рецепт, и фото печенья (если он есть). Вы, читатели нашей подписки, выберете лучших.
А затем лучшие рецепты будут опробованы Дани Д., главным шеф-поваром Северного крыла. Совет директоров выберет победителя для ежегодной вечеринки " Снежинки на Голубой Бухтой".
Рецепты присылайте до 19 ноября до 00:00 часов. Голосование закончится в полночь 2 декабря.
И помните, мистер Паркер ненавидит имбирное печенье!

Рождественский Бал
В комнате отдыха на подуровне 15 можно записаться на вечеринку (комната находится рядом с лабораторией жидкостей тела мисс Рим).
Как и каждый раз, в это прекрасное время, роли уходят быстро, и люди просто сходят с ума!
Скорее записывайетсь. И вы тоже, мистер КДж. Вы не хотите опять быть задней састью осла!

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #41 : 22-Ноября-2013 13:46 »

The Tiny Dancer makes her return to the Centre this January.
Don't you dare miss it.
Nedla is coming.
Маленькая танцовщица вернется в Центр в январе.
Не вздумайте пропустить!
Нельда идет.

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #42 : 26-Ноября-2013 20:02 »

The Pretender Lives Comikaze Discussion Panel Transcript, November 2, 2013
Comikaze Discussion Panel with Pretender Creators and Jenna Busch
Jenna Busch, Craig Van Sickle, & Steven Long Mitchell
Comikaze Discussion Panel, 11/02/2013
I need to give a special thanks to my editor, Bridget, for helping me with this transcript.
There were places in the video it was hard to hear and distinguish what was being said.
Click here for the Comikaze Panel Video

Jenna Busch
I’m Jenna Busch. I’m the entertainment editor for Fan Voice. I’m here with Craig Van Sickle and Steven Long Mitchell, the creators of The Pretender.
So, since it’s a little quiet since everyone’s stuck downstairs let’s start this completely different than most panels and let you guys ask questions.

Want us to stand up?
Oh, just talk.
We’re all friends here.
I just um, for myself I wanted to thank you for a show that was very unique, and I think it influenced many shows since, but my opinion, various aspects of it. But I’m curious, what shows you think may have been influenced by The Pretender that are maybe current or recent shows that you see some influence in.
Ya know, that’s a real good question. Let’s put it this way, Alias we thought in some ways had an influence because it was kind of the Miss Parker story.
There was also a show Glenn Gordon Caron, I can’t think of the name of it, but it lasted, (asks someone off-stage) do you remember the show with Dennis Haysbert. It had a lot of Pretender influences and it came out I want to say a couple of years after we went off. I cannot remember the name of it, but it was about a guy who had been …
Did they have the same guy? Did they have the same Vitruvian man? (Jenna holds up copy of Pretender: Rebirth)
They might have, yeah.
And then I think obviously Kyle XY had some, and actually one of the guys who was one of our writers went over and they brought him to kind of figure out the second season of Kyle XY, and he kind of said, ‘and well I told them we’ll just do the Pretender,’ and I said ya know, go for it. So maybe we influenced or maybe just in things kind of changed. I think before we were doing The Pretender most shows were whole and complete there weren’t a whole lot of mysteries.
Biggest influences, shows like John Doe
John Doe was one, yeah.
Even some of the shows now that utilize flashbacks, I think, owe a lot to you and how you did with the expansive plot kind of funnel shaped whereas you got into the show, the plot, the overall plots, the subplots, kind of widen and brighten a lot of information.
Well what we tried to … one thing we tried to do as opposed to, say ‘Lost,’ which …
It is what it is.
It was what it was, I love a show that is intriguing but if you have to put down this was from episode three and it was about the squirrel that came in with the snowman … I mean, it’s like … it was real confusing.
Going back to the original concept of The Pretender when we wrote it, it was a spec script., and when we, when NBC read it they said, “Oh we love it, we love it, if you can answer all these questions we’ll put it on the air,” and we said if we answer all these questions there’s no reason to put it on the air. Literally we said that, we said you can keep your money and they were freaked out because television up until then had been about making sure those questions were answered, and the fact that we didn’t answer them is probably the reason a lot of you are here today because you want those answers still. And because we got canceled because of the XFL there were a lot of answers that weren’t given. But Craig and I love this show and never gave up and wanted to basically recreate it in a way where we can give those answers and bring it out for a whole new audience.

One of the best compliments we got was when Warren Littlefield told us the testing, they weren’t sure how to test our show because it didn’t fit any particular category, and then later they actually used The Pretender test criteria as a category.
They tested us as a, an X-Files-like show and a Touched By An Angel show because they didn’t know what it was, and then the next year it was a Pretender-like show. Which is … and our testing ended up being um, probably the reason we got on the air because NBC didn’t understand it, but it tested higher than anything since Bonanza. That was the whole thing, they were blown away.
I wonder in today’s TV landscape where the actual TV live viewer or even just TV viewer in general has gone down, The Pretender’s ratings ya know when it was originally on, are so much higher than the “hits” ya know on NBC now, do you think if the Pretender, like the original concept was on TV now, would do the same numbers or even be like a huge hit as opposed to …
Well I think it would be a huge hit, what do you think (to Craig).
Yeah, I think it would be a mega, mega’s the word.
It wouldn’t get like canceled because it got canceled because the ratings were low but now the low ratings for NBC, it would be spectacular.
And it was also the lowest rated night of the week. Saturday was the dead zone and they don’t even program Saturday nights a lot of the networks so because of that and that’s why I think they threw XFL on to try and do something different. Who’s ahead in the XFL standings, does anybody know? Oh that’s right, it’s gone.
To kind of follow up on what you’re saying it’s like … we don’t know, but there was something about the show that appealed to a real cross-section of America as opposed to so much television right now is geared strictly to the urban markets, and that’s really what they wanted. And they didn’t quite, when we’re saying the testing, understand why it tested so well and why really it was such a huge hit. You could watch it, it was intriguing, but also you could watch it with your kids.
And that’s the thing, now that the book’s out people are, are writing to us. They’re saying I used to … ok there was an article Jenna, about Jenna doing the comic book or the graphic novel and the author of the article, he started with ya know, “When I was growing up I was like a gang-banger or like I’m a tough guy drank a lot of stuff, my brother was a nerd, my father and mother were, ya know, like white trash…” I’m really glorifying myself to people this morning but basically, “the thing was, we had absolutely nothing in common except at 8 o’clock on Saturday night when we all sat down and watched the same show.” And that was like one of the more interesting things to look at and go like that was the one thing that bound them together as a family which, for us, is really bizarre to see those kinds of things, and we get letters about that all the time. It’s like, ‘my father, my mother, and my grandmother we always watched this.’ And there’s not a lot of shows on that does that anymore.

No there’s not, everything is all now mixed so each and everybody has their own show.
Sure, and then anymore when you go out to sell a TV show you have probably ten different pitches of the same show depending on who you’re gonna pitch it to.
Just to follow up with what Steve said, we’ve been blessed with this show because we have gotten so many nice letters and feedback from fans that really say that the show touched their lives and that to us is really the impetus to come back and do more.

There are a lot of reasons like the fact that we got so many nice life-affirming letters from people, it spurred us on to really keep on to bring it back. Thank you all for that.

Um, I just wanted to say, one thank you for (unintelligible). I didn’t even know what Comikaze was until I heard you guys were going to be here.
Neither did we; Jenna did.
And then I wanted to ask you, maybe you plan to cover this later, but I’m still unclear how much of this is gonna be reboot, and how much of this is gonna be continuation and whether or not we’re gonna … it’s been 10 years I still want to know what happened after Island of the Haunted.
The answer’s yes to all of it. (laughs)
Some of it is reboot, some of it … what we’ve done is we’ve rebooted it in a way that contemporizes the characters so in the original show he was captured in 1963 and escaped in 1996 I guess. In the books he was captured in 1983 and escapes now. And the reason we did that is, we wanted to, and it’s the same characters, Miss Parker and Jarod and Sydney basically everyone will be back. The thought process was we wanted to allow people to remember some of what we had done and also to invite in a new audience where they’ll be reading a book and continuing the story with contemporary characters as opposed to a guy who’s 55 running around being chased by this woman who … they’re all in love.

Um, but what we’ve done within this what we’ve done is, we’ve given tons more back story into all of those characters so some of the questions you’ve always wanted to know are being answered in the reboot right off the bat. In the second book we establish a character who’s goal in life is to find out what Miss Parker’s first name is. We reveal what Sydney’s last name is, ’cause we never had done that. So in every book we’re gonna start answering those questions but within a new drama. So in many ways it’ll be like watching, I wanna say, Star Trek: The New Generation but something like that or no, a reboot of Star Trek. It’s the same characters but now a lot of the questions that we already wanted? you’re gonna get in a modern version of the story.

So … It was funny when we went it out to a few super fans before we released it, they were all very nervous and some of the comments back were great words like, ‘you bastards, I can’t believe you did it this way’ and once they realized what we were doing they couldn’t believe it. Cause even in the first book we take literally some homages from the pilot itself; it’s not the same story but he …

There’s similarities …
There’s similarities where you can sit there and if you’re a big fan you go like oh wow I can’t believe he did that and if you’ve never seen it you’d sit there and go like oh wow I can’t believe this guy’s doing this. So it was really kind of a conscious approach to do that. And we will answer your questions.
Yeah we will answer your questions. It was a conscious kind of re-education too because we know that there are a lot of people out there that may not know the series, remember it and what-not and I think you can read this book and be a total novice and I get what a Pretender does and I get what a bitch Miss Parker is and how ….
Shhhhh …
Shhhhh … And if you’re a fan you’ll get all that you’ll remember from the series brought forward so … It was a bit of a tight rope act. Honestly, we talked about the story and the characters a long time.
Trust us, you know a lot more about the series than we do. You’ll ask us questions and we’ll go, ah … as you’ll probably see when we … one other thing, kind of a segway to the graphic novel which, I don’t know if you guys know this but Jenna’s actually writing the graphic novel, and before, when we all leave today I’m going to give you a card where you can actually go link on and see a 10?
Ten pages, yes.
A 10-page preview which is great … But it’s all about the origin of the Centre. And, all those questions that people have like where’d it come from, how did it do, what …. We’re gonna do this in a whole parallel storyline where it’s like we’re gonna fill in everything about the past and little Miss Parker is in that so we’re gonna do that from her point-of-view. And then we’ll announce this somewhere … And we’re gonna do a series of other books that are gonna come out this summer about Miss Parker and her teenage years and her early twenties learning to become an operative if you will.
You’ll get to see the arc of her change from a pre-teen to the Miss Parker that she grew into and why. And that was a, that was a rich character territory that we never got to explore in the series.
In the Pilot there’s that line where Sydney goes, “You were such a nice little girl, what happened to you?” And we thought, let’s show how she got from being a nice little girl to the woman we meet in the pilot who’s helping to get him, and within that, we’re gonna … Part of that is her going back to France and learning and that’s where the training was and kind of retracing the steps of her mother as a child so we’re learning a lot more about Catherine Parker, so we’re doing this in a way … Everything we’re doing is somehow tied together in a way that really answers those questions without it just being … Cause we thought, ok let’s just do a book that’s right after Island of the Haunted, but if we did that …. first it would be an encyclopedia of answers, but it also would come out in a way where you’d go like ok, really? So what’s the next book or does this story end now? And we thought, let’s reinvent it in a way we can answer questions and get a continuing storyline that can continue the saga for hopefully years to come.
Well I mean, I’d love to hear what, I mean I already know this, but I’m sure everyone would love to hear what this was to bring this back.
SLM (points at the crowd)
You … all of you. And those questions you wanted answered and your passion for what this was.
And the truth is we, we would’ve pulled it out of the bag sooner but there were some other issues that we won’t go into, but, so our hands were tied to a large degree so we, we knew the fans were out there, we hoped they were and when everything cleared up on our side that’s when we started reaching out, we saw the fan base was still there and you guys still wanted some more material and answers and what not. That just got us totally jazzed and we jumped right into it.
And as creators, it’s an odd thing where ya know the powers that be at NBC, we didn’t know they were negotiating for the football thing and at the same time they were saying leave it as a cliffhanger. And ya know we were the number one show, so no one gets canceled if you’re the number one show tonight. But they bought the football thing so we had all these cliffhangers purposefully built in and then when we did the movies for TNT it was the same thing. It’s like we’re gonna do ten of these let’s just plan it out how it’s gonna go and then 911 happened and CNN lost all their money and they didn’t know what to do and we’re sitting here going like, ‘wait a minute, we’ve set the audience up in a way that’s not fair.’ We all know … I’m sure everyone in here has had a show they loved and it got canceled and you sit there and you go like, all of a sudden ‘I’m the uh, I’m the girl left at the prom. I came with one guy and he left with someone else.’ And what happened. And our thought was, one it’s unfair and because, as Craig was saying we, we got lucky and the rights were reverted back to us in such a way that we can do this. So we thought, the fans have always been loyal to us, so let’s be loyal to them and continue this in a way that is satisfying because, well because we can and we love the project really more than anything else.

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
Hero Member
Офлайн Офлайн

Сообщений: 3894

« Ответ #43 : 26-Ноября-2013 20:02 »

I know you guys were really surprised at the insane amount of fans that are out there and, and all over the world. So what, what was the most surprising thing?
Did you say insane fans or insane amount?
Insane fans and insane amount of fans …

We qualify as both.

I think for me, it was the worldwide reach of the fan base. We have literally set up, fans have set up these satellite centres all over the world. Russia, Australia, France, Germany, Spain.
Germany, Georgia, there’s one in L.A. There’s eight or nine now.
So the fact that the reach, we always kind of knew that we had an international audience, we weren’t quite sure how international and, and it’s amazing. We’re twittering and some people are in bed and they twitter us back the next day. It’s all over the time map. That was my greatest surprise.
Right and as we were writing the book we thought, we said, ‘I wonder if there’s anybody out there.’ We’re on our second novel here, we haven’t released the first one and about that time a lady named Vania and she’s from Portugal said would you be willing to answer a few questions. She said we’ve interviewed a couple of stars, and some of the stars that she’d interviewed were actually guest stars. She said, ‘I’m just taking a shot in the dark,’ and I said sure we’d be happy to and in fact we’re launching some books, we’re best friends. I talk to her two or three times almost every day and there’s fans everywhere from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg which I didn’t know was the Grand Duchy but that has been pounded in my head, to literally Italy, France, Germany, Russia. Who knew we had so many Russian fans; we have a crazy amount of Russian fans, South America, Australia.
There’s a lady in Australia that’s done, well actually this (he holds up a card for panel attendees to go online to see a 10-page preview of the first graphic novel: The Centre Chronicles is taking you to an affiliate site which we put it on her site through our website just because she’s a genius at coding and she just loved the show and you realize people have kept this thing alive so you wanna do that. But the insanity of that fan base globally is great and we I know the list of what it says there is we’re reinventing the fandom on a global level, and what we realize is we are.

Part of the fun of what we’re doing is everyone here is like our name of our website is on your admission you should come check it out because within the website there’s a lot of fun stuff that’s not, it’s not just a website it’s kind of a celebration and a community for all the fans, but we’re doing things where, for instance, we just started this like last month where we’re sending out a newsletter but it’s the Centre Employees’ Newsletter from The Centre itself. And within it, there are character things and what-not and if you go on that newsletter that’s on the site, there’s an announcement of a couple getting married. Well, the couple actually is getting married, they’re in the books now and it is Vania. She got married ya know, two weeks ago and we announced it in the thing, and she’s in the books.

And there’s several fans that have written in and said hey, they put, one lady from France wrote a letter one day and said, hey can you um, ‘my friends and I were kind of arguing about what Miss Parker’s first name is and I think it’s this it starts with an M and I think it’s that and,’ she kind of wrote out what the argument was with her friends. I happened to be writing a chapter about that and I realized she had written it better than I had written it, the question, so … I emailed her and said, ‘hey can I use your line and put it in the book because it’s better than mine, and she’s like oh my God, and then I thought can I use your name. And it ended up so we made her a character in the book and her handle on Twitter was Chickwithagun. So now she is head of the gun range in the Centre. And she’s like, OK, sure. And we put her picture up on the website, and what’s interesting is like we’ve kind of integrated this fandom on a global level where there’s clues within that uh, there’s clues within that newsletter that are important in the next book, and people don’t know that yet. Well I guess they know that now. But the point is, everything we send and all the interaction coming back and forth really make this a global community in a special way.

We struggled …
SLM (points at a couple in the crowd)
And these guys look like they could get (unintelligible).
Of course … We struggled for months about the cover of the book; sitting in front of Photoshop, asking people, and lo-and-behold one day we got this beautiful template which if you look at it it’s kind of a cast-iron Vitruvian man. We knew we wanted to feature Vitruvian man and this template came from a woman named Kylie Lake in Australia and she’s a fan. She said, ‘I don’t know if you can use this, I did this at home,’ and it was brilliant.
And so what we did, we put a contest out for the fans and they could vote on the cover. Well Kylie didn’t know we were gonna use her thing, her art in the competition and no one knew it was from a fan, but when the fans all voted, they picked hers. Ya know, she’s blown away, she lives in a village in Australia of 400 people, and she’s like a celebrity now. But it’s great because she was such a fan and we just wanted to integrate everybody together that showed so much love and compassion for the show and reverse it and return that in a way that everyone could be involved.
The idea, it’s funny because it kind of subconsciously came from our attitude about the series because the philosophy always was the best idea wins. It doesn’t matter if it’s someone working with Kraft Food Service, or if it’s one of the producers, or an actor, or whatever. If it was the best idea, that’s what we went with. And we’ve always tried to I guess pay forward a little bit or push people to push themselves to be creative and to contribute in ways even outside their typical jobs. And, it sort of happened that way here with the book, too, which is great.
I just want to say this now, I’m gonna tell you who they are later, but there’s three people in this room who were actually in the show in one episode or another.
When are you gonna reveal that?
Oh we’ll give it a little longer.
Alright, well we, we were talking a little bit, can you touch on this a bit about the Centre Universe and how it sort of expanded um, so can you talk a little bit about the plans and where that’s all going?
The Centre Universe … Yeah, the Centre Universe … Again, it kinda came out of we wanted to do more than The Pretender and we knew that the Pretender overlay had a lot of potential tentacles, little tentacles out there that we could write material and really try to bring new fans in at the same time so what we’ve done is we, first of all we wanted ideas from everybody who visits the site: pictures, ideas they’ve had about the Pretender, and a lot of those ideas, well we read ‘em all and we say, ‘Ya know that’s pretty cool maybe there’s something there we can do with that.’
And we actually, we actually answer all of our emails to everybody who writes us.
Done a couple of other things that are interesting and it ties to the Centre Universe. We realize the Centre’s vast and it does a lot of other things so we have a couple … like the young Miss Parker books is part of the Centre Universe because it’s a different thing. The graphics novels are part of that Centre Universe. Next year we’re gonna launch one or two other books that are tied in. One of which is written by someone in this room who was actually one of the writers in the show and was in the show. And it is about a guy who hunts serial killers who learned his trade from Jarod and basically does it as, well not as a pretender but as one aspect of being a pretender, and we realize there’s so many different variations of where that can be that we wanted to bring that into the forefront. Actually this guy over here is writing these books with us. He wrote several episodes of The Pretender.

Mark Dodson
Those of you, if you’re fans of the show remember when little Miss Parker first was brought into Sydney’s lab because her mother committed suicide one night outside. Mark was a good friend of mine and was my best friend in high school, happened to be on the set that day as we started writing and we needed someone to be the sweeper and he goes, ‘I’ll do it.’ And of course in the middle of it he gave himself a line which was not written because he actually wanted to say something.
We didn’t pay him.
SLM (laughs)
Do you still owe him money?
We probably do.
Alright, so as far as little … I wanted most to talk about fan questions because that’s, that’s, getting answers is a really big deal. So, what’s the question you get asked the most, besides Miss Parker’s first name?
What happened to Baby Parker?
What’s Sydney’s last name?
Yeah. Sydney’s last name we’re going to find out in the next, in the second novel so take that one off the list.
And, when are Jarod and Miss Parker going to be a couple?
When are Jarod and Miss Parker going to be a couple?
That’s um, that’s still on the drawing board.
It is. That’s a big move. Ya know we’ve got to make sure that we’ve got that one.
One thing we are doing in the books is really exploring their emotional lines or connections to each other in which, on the show, you can see that and we can talk about it on a surface level but in the books and in the graphic novels we can really get into it on a much deeper level.
Well I also wanted to ask you the difference between writing something in novel form and writing for TV, so what sort of challenges did you guys find?
Um, to me there were more positives than challenges because as Steve said you can really get into the characters heads a lot more and, and reveal things, explore things that you just never could on a TV series. That’s really rewarding when you can do that and the uh, it’s funny cause the dialog is the hardest thing to write in the novel which in TV that’s what drives it. Because I’m just so into what are they thinking, what are their impressions of people around them, the situation, the tension and all that. And I think it’s great fun, it really is.
But, and there’s things like what is the thought proc … one of the most difficult things about the TV show is you write scenes and what-not of Jarod coming into a situation, and well, you have a character who’s not who he says he is, and relating to people in a way that is not how he relates so you don’t really learn anything about him. You know the only way you learn about him is the flashbacks when he’s talking to Miss Parker or Sydney because no one else knows who he is. But in this form, not only do we get to go into his head and see what makes him tick, we can see what makes him nervous, what makes him afraid in the middle of a pretend, literally what his process is in creating a pretend and we went into it in great depth and for me in particular I’m sure for Craig as well it was a territory we never explored. To like what really goes on and what is he really thinking when he’s gonna slice a person’s body open as a doctor and he’s not really a doctor. That was pretty intense and a really unique vision and that’s again, I don’t want to play with the point, but that aspect of looking into those characters and finding out things about them allows us to answer all these vast questions that were posed because you know, let’s face it, we’re all sitting here wondering why does Miss Parker, why is, why does she have this affection to Jarod or why does she have this hatred to Jarod. But when we go into a story and flashback into her life ’cause then in the TV we never flashed into her life or her point-of-view. We do it in all of the characters now and we can really see things about her life and what happened to her life and her relationship with her parents. It’s really fun in there, a way to fill in all those blanks.
And how much, as you were writing it, how much did you know so if you come up with something like Baby Parker how much of that, the full story, is in your head and how much of it is this is really a cool idea let’s just explore it?
Yeah well we need to have the whole story um, flushed out. And that’s, and Rebirth and Saving Luke are linked because we had, there was so much we wanted to tell, and we just felt that was the best way to do it so for the first two we had everything so now we’re starting to, we have general ideas about the books going forward of course because you want to have a direction just like we do the series we kind of knew how season one was going to happen and two and three and four.
And we know the overall story and the answers of where we can go.
Right …
We always had the answers in a mayonnaise jar. Um, so we know where we’re going but in a series you know where you’re going, but you discover things along the way. And one thing that Jenna brought that really kinda was Eva Perón was really kind of a nutball and she was in many ways the anti-Catherine Parker because she did some really weird things with the children so our thought was the idea of … cause we’re really gonna learn a lot more about Catherine Parker and her trying to save the kids in the Centre, we thought, this is a great counterpoint because everything Catherine did was so positive and in the connection, we say connection, there’s a physical connection within the Centre to the Perón’s that just is … you know we’ve always done this, we like to plant seeds and then they come back to well tease you or haunt you later. But that was one that’s gonna come out of these books and graphic novels that are just really virgin.
Yeah, and one of the first things that we had talked about the novel was doing something that surrounded the history of the Centre, and we’re really glad we didn’t do that because what Jenna brought to the table, and when she started pitching the idea about what she wanted to do with the graphic novel we just looked at each other and it was like this is better than what we were coming up with. And it was rich and it was tied to history, it was international she, she nailed all the right points with what the Centre should be and what the origin should be so (to Jenna) Thank you.
It’s gonna be cool. It’s gonna be very very exciting.

And because of what we’re doing there and doing in the different novels, they’re all interconnected, they all stand up alone, but they’re all interconnected with different stories. We’ll give you richer back story into the whole evolution of the Centre and everything Pretender.
So we’re getting close, we have about 6 or 7 minutes left so, or one.
One …
Let’s wave at Rebecca.
So are there any final questions before we wrap up?
Now that you’re doing this Rebirth and what-not have you guys talked to any of the original actors, Michael and Andrea?
Oh yes.
How do they feel about it? Have they expressed interest in being involved?
They’re very excited. They’re happy for us and the series that the Pretender is gonna come back, is coming back, and we’ve had little talks about ya know the future projects as Steve said we want to build to some films, maybe another series. They’re very excited.
Who knows, we do the audio books they might be the perfect people’s voices to put on ‘em. We haven’t told ‘em yet, but I guess they just found out.
I think we should all tweet them.
So listen, they’re gonna run us out of here. I want everybody to take one of these cards so you can download, go visit the 10-page …
Yeah, check out the 10-page preview and make sure you go to the website thepretenderlives.com.
And we’re gonna be down at our booth 714, come by we’re gonna be signing books and we’ll answer any questions you have. We’ll continue this as much as you want.
And then finally, Twitter handles.
Oh, um I’m @PretenderSteve
I’m @CraigVanSickle1 Thank you, it’s early.
And I’m Jenna Busch, like the beer not the President.
- See more at: http://www.jarodsafehouse.com/pretender/pretender_transcripts/pretenderlives_comikazetranscript11022013/#sthash.LKGU5T5G.dpuf

Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
Catherine U
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« Ответ #44 : 28-Ноября-2013 22:00 »


A year ago today we typed one word, looked at each other and said, “what do you think?”

The word was ‘Rebirth’

The novel that followed that word has truly changed our lives.

It has become the Rebirth of so much more.

So on this day of acknowledging that which we are grateful for, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for being such wonderful fans and incredible friends.

The word we typed today was ‘Infinity’

Much more to come.


Steve and Craig


Keep your heels, head and standards high (c)
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